Rain On Your Wedding Day? 5 Tips For Great Photos Anyway


Most couples want picture-perfect wedding weather, but Mother Nature doesn't always play along. If your nuptials may end up happening amid raindrops, though, you can still get great wedding photographs no matter what. Here are a few tips to make a success of wet weather weddings. 

1. Talk to Your Photographer

A skilled, experienced photographer can roll with the punches. Choose one with experience in a variety of weather and locations so they can adjust as needed. Ask about their plans if it should rain. Look for one that not only has contingency plans but who also embraces the new opportunities that rain provides.

2. Get Fun Rain Gear

Rainy weather can be a chance to add some fun props to your photos. If there's any doubt as to the weather, invest in some clear umbrellas. These are practical and fit in with just about any wedding theme. But look for rain gear that'll really pop in some photos — things like rain boots, colorful umbrellas, oversize umbrellas, beautiful coats, or monogrammed ponchos. 

3. Be Flexible

Weather can change at a moment's notice, so don't despair if it's raining at the time you planned to take outdoor pictures. The key may simply be to be as flexible as possible about when and where you take photos. For instance, you might shoot some pictures inside and then dart out between cloudbursts for a few outdoor shots. Or perhaps move the photos from before the ceremony to after. Build a flexible and simple timeline to allow this. 

4. Scout the Area Again

Meet with your photographer to figure out all your options for wedding photos if the weather turns. Walk the entire venue, looking for interesting niches or even just small overhangs. You don't need much space in order to capture great intimate shots. Limitations on your original plans could end up turning into wonderful new locations. 

5. Find the Humor

You and your fiancé set the tone for the wedding, and the photographs will reflect this. So find the humor in your situation. Photos of groomsmen carrying the bride's train, people stomping in puddles, or umbrella holders walking you down the aisle will all add a whole new dimension to your memories. Let your friends, family, and photographer cheer you up.

Where to Start

Whatever your weather concerns about your wedding day, start by meeting with qualified and experienced photographers. A professional will help you capture both the planned and unplanned moments of your big day. 

Contact a wedding photographer in your area today. 


17 October 2022

The Ocean and Photography: My Two Loves Combined

Ever since my parents allowed me to snap a few photos on their camera on vacation when I was a young child, I have loved photography. While we lived in the Midwest, I became hooked on taking photographs of the ocean and boats when we visited the Florida coast during one of our trips together. I found that just being near the ocean really made me happy, and after we returned home, I was able to "take the ocean with me" to experience that same feeling by taking photos of it. Being near the ocean is so calming and uplifting, but most people don't live near the coasts and don't get to experience its beauty every day. I now live by the ocean, so I decided to create a blog to share my tips about how you can best photograph the things you love.