How to Make the Most of Your Boudoir Photography Session


If you've sought out professional boudoir photography services, you likely want to produce the best possible images. Fortunately, there are several things customers can do to improve the odds of getting quality pictures.

Maintain Your Skin Care Routine

You should take the best possible care of your shin before a shoot. Particularly, avoid any changes in your regimen. You don't want to try a new makeup or soap brand a couple of days before a session. This can lead to unexpected results like breakouts. If you have skin concerns, try to address those with a professional before scheduling a shoot.

Also, hydrate in properly in the days before a session. Water is your skin's best friend so drink an appropriate amount of it for several weeks before a shoot to get your skin in shape.

Wear Loose Clothes

Tight clothes can leave marks on the skin. Even something as innocuous as the waistband on a pair of pants can pinch the skin and leave it looking rough. Try to wear the loosest clothes you can find the day before a shoot.

Discuss Your Comfort Zone with the Photography

Even relatively tame versions of boudoir photography can leave some folks feeling exposed. It isn't a competition to prove how open you are. Whatever your comfort zone is, you'll create better photos by sticking with it. Talk to the photographer about the type of shoot you want to conduct. If they suggest something that seems more adventurous than you're open to, say so. Convey your feelings early so everyone can be on the same page when it comes time to shoot.

Hire Professionals to Do Your Hair and Makeup

Ideally, you can have someone present to handle each on the day of the session. If not, at least have a professional get your hair and makeup in order so you can maintain them long enough to get the photos you want.

Try on Outfits Days in Advance

You should get a feel for any clothing involved in the shoot. Yes, this applies even if it's barely-there lingerie. Get a feel for how it moves so you won't be surprised by it while the photographer is working. See what fits you well. Look for items that flatter your lines rather than hiding them.


If you have ideas for the shoot, tell the boudoir photography studio about them early on. Ask for examples of photos that match your ideas so you can get a sense of how the session is likely to go.


3 June 2022

The Ocean and Photography: My Two Loves Combined

Ever since my parents allowed me to snap a few photos on their camera on vacation when I was a young child, I have loved photography. While we lived in the Midwest, I became hooked on taking photographs of the ocean and boats when we visited the Florida coast during one of our trips together. I found that just being near the ocean really made me happy, and after we returned home, I was able to "take the ocean with me" to experience that same feeling by taking photos of it. Being near the ocean is so calming and uplifting, but most people don't live near the coasts and don't get to experience its beauty every day. I now live by the ocean, so I decided to create a blog to share my tips about how you can best photograph the things you love.