Custom Backdrop Options For Your Child's Home Photoshoot


Fabric, wrapping paper, lights, and party decorations can be used to create some interesting backgrounds for your child's photoshoot that will be conducted from the confines of your home. Pick a wall that can be used to support the materials used for the backdrop and add some props that correspond to the backdrop design that you will be creating.

Choose A Theme For The Backdrop

Fabric or wrapping paper can be used to create a backdrop that will be secured directly to a wall or that will be propped up against a wall. Colorful prints or a solid field that contains a textured surface can make each photo look as if it was taken by a professional.

The flooring that is below your child's feet should be reflective of the overall design and can consist of a piece of plywood that has materials taped or stapled to it or a covering that is taped to the floor.

For consistency, choose a single piece of fabric or paper and use it to cover both the surface that will be behind your child and on the flooring that your loved one will be standing or sitting on. The main objective is to create a backdrop that won't overpower your child or clash with the clothing they are wearing or the props that are arranged in front of the backdrop.

Use Extra Shapes And Textures And Improve Lighting

If you want to create a birthday theme and use balloons as part of the backdrop, select a white piece of fabric or paper for the balloons to rest against. If you are going to be using a hanging system to suspend a thick piece of fabric from the wall, purchase temporary hooks that contain adhesive backings. These accessories will prevent damage to the wall.

Either tape some balloons to the backdrop or fill several balloons with helium. Attach a string to each balloon and use tape to secure the end of each string to the floor. If you opt for the floor setup, your child can stand in the center of the balloon grouping.

Natural light can aid in acquiring a batch of clear photos that are well-defined, but if you are going to conduct the photoshoot in a room that doesn't contain adequate lighting, move some lamps or droplights into the room and strategically place them so that they are aimed toward the center of the area where your child will be located. Your child can hold a balloon, a stuffed toy, or another small item that represents the theme of the backdrop.

For more tips on customizing kid photo backdrops, reach out to a local photographer.


8 December 2020

The Ocean and Photography: My Two Loves Combined

Ever since my parents allowed me to snap a few photos on their camera on vacation when I was a young child, I have loved photography. While we lived in the Midwest, I became hooked on taking photographs of the ocean and boats when we visited the Florida coast during one of our trips together. I found that just being near the ocean really made me happy, and after we returned home, I was able to "take the ocean with me" to experience that same feeling by taking photos of it. Being near the ocean is so calming and uplifting, but most people don't live near the coasts and don't get to experience its beauty every day. I now live by the ocean, so I decided to create a blog to share my tips about how you can best photograph the things you love.